Merleigh Joyce Jones Memorial

Merleigh Joyce Jones Memorial
Saturday April 16, 2022 ยท 3pm to 6pm
Shinzen Friendship Garden
Fresno, California

We will be wearing or bringing something purple in honor
of one of Merleigh's favorite poems:
When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple.
In lieu of flowers, please consider bringing a children's book or donating a children's book in Merleigh's name to a child in need, your public library, or
A devout Christian, Merleigh adored her husband, family and friends (which was pretty much everyone she met), smiles, laughter, children, flowers, nature, animals, books, baking, sweets, and jelly beans.
Celebrate with us at Shinzen Garden or from afar.
Light dinner and jelly beans will be served from 5 to 6pm+
in Woodward Park right outside Shinzen.