Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites Extra Topics
Submitted by kristen on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 23:05
I was not able to include everything I wanted into my Drupal 7 Multilingual Sites book due to space limitations, so here is a list of some extra topics, tips, and tricks that didn't make it in:
- kristen's blog
- 22174 reads
This is a featured content block that has been configured to show blog nodes with terms SEO or Drupal SEO by the author kristen. It shows random list of 20 results in the block and 30 results on the more page.
- Free Google Keyword Research Tool
- Fix Duplicate Content with Global Redirect Module
- 503 HTTP Status Code when Site Down
- Drupal Nofollow Link Sculpting
- Drupal SEO Reviews
- Drupal Pathauto Module
- Drupal Meta Tags (nodewords) Module for SEO
- Drupal Has Multiple h1 Tags
- HTML Validation: Free HTML Validator Tools
- Kristen
- Make Drupal SEO Friendly
- Drupal Node Teaser SEO
- BADCamp Drupal SEO Presentation 2009
- Basic SEO Top 10
- Drupal Pathauto URL Aliases Settings
- Drupal SEO Modules
- Free SEO Tools
XAMPP and Localization Update Module (I10n_update)
If we use a local server such as XAMPP it may be better to change
in file I10n_update.local.inc
By the way, drupal_set_time_limit(0); stands for unlimited time.
I had to make that modification to make its works.