Recent Blog Posts
503 HTTP Status Code when Site Down
If for some reason you must take down your site or just a few pages temporarily for maintenance, moving servers, or whatever reason, you need to tell the search engines that this is TEMPORARY. Otherwise, they will see the page is not there (404 status/response code) and drop your site or page from their search index.
- kristen's blog
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- 187758 reads
Easy Drupal Backups with Backup and Migrate Module
I'm approaching 20 blog articles and I haven't yet made a backup of my Drupal site. YIKES! It would suck if my hosting server crashed and I lost everything. So... I guess I should do it now.
- kristen's blog
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- 52294 reads
Drupal SEO Reviews
The point of this site is Drupal SEO and, yet, I haven't yet optimized a page for that term (although those individual words do show up in other node titles but not the exact phrase). So, this will be another experiment to see how high I can rank for that exact phrase.
- kristen's blog
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- 89288 reads
I was checking out my Google Analytics statistics for since I'm curious how people get to the site and what they are typing into the search engines. I was surprised to see that I actually get some traffic here from people typing in my name (kristen). Of course, my domain has kristen in it and my home page has it in the <title> tag, so the word does show up a bit. My site is actually in the top 20 in google for that keyword!
- kristen's blog
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- 71260 reads
Drupal Node Teaser SEO
This article discusses how to use the Drupal node teaser for better SEO. I have used the "split cursor at summary" feature and unchecked the "show summary in full view" checkbox in order to get the teaser you are reading to be different than the first part of the node body text.
- kristen's blog
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- 203131 reads
Drupal Pathauto URL Aliases Settings
The Drupal pathauto module is great but be careful how you configure it. The recommended settings are already chosen by default but let's review them below. To get to the Drupal pathauto URL aliases settings, go to: Administer > Site Building > URL Aliases (admin/build/path/pathauto).
- kristen's blog
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- 227066 reads
Better Drupal Node Count Statistics
The Drupal statistics module keeps track of how many times a node has been viewed. The statistics module is an optional core module so just turn it on and it will start keeping track of your node views. It stores the data in the node_counter table and keeps track of daily views and total views.
- kristen's blog
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- 165919 reads
Custom Drupal Theme Block Regions
I recently added Google AdSense ads to this site to see what the click-through-rate will be. I wanted to put a banner ad above the content section you are reading right now in addition to side blocks. Since I'm using the bluemarine theme, there was not a way to put blocks into the section above the main content, so I modified the bluemarine theme to make this happen.
- kristen's blog
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- 149978 reads
Google AdSense Drupal Module
I've had this site up for awhile with some blog content so I'm going to see what happens if I put up some Google ads. It will be an interesting experiment. I'm certainly not going to get rich, but I'm getting some traffic so maybe I'll get enough clicks to pay for my hosting plan (or to upgrade to so my site is faster! :).
- kristen's blog
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- 25211 reads
Reduce Drupal Spam with Captcha
I checked on my site after some absence only to find a bunch of spammy comments in my Drupal comments approval queue. I've been slowly adding new modules to the site and trying to write about what I'm adding along the way. Well, I forgot to add in Captcha so I ended up with the spam. So for those that want to reduce spam on their site:
- kristen's blog
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- 37003 reads
Drupal on GoDaddy is TOO SLOW
After setting up Drupal on GoDaddy, I've found that this site is just WAY TOO SLOW with Drupal+GoDaddy. It's annoyingly slow. Previously, I just had a simple static site and it was fast, but that's not too surprising for a static site. I have just contacted GoDaddy about this and my guess is that I won't get any resolution. I looked at this article about the problem, and it talks about shared hosting on GoDaddy in general being slow.
- kristen's blog
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- 42354 reads
Fix Duplicate Content with Global Redirect Module
The Drupal path and pathauto modules are great, but also can cause us some problems. Google does not like it when more than one URL yields the same results. The path and pathauto modules allow us to create an alias for our content. So, instead of using "node/15" in our URL, we can use something more descriptive like "content/cool-seo-article".
- kristen's blog
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- 56751 reads
Drupal Pathauto Module
The Drupal pathauto module is a great tool for giving your content names based on the content titles. For example, the title of this blog post (node) is "Drupal Pathauto Module" so once it is saved with an automatic alias, the URL alias will be "drupal-pathauto-module" which is much easier to remember than node/9.
- kristen's blog
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- 61268 reads
Drupal Meta Tags (nodewords) Module for SEO
I setup Drupal on a couple weeks ago. I intentionally set it up with the base installation and didn't add any 3rd party modules. The reason being that I set up this site to show how you can add in various Drupal modules and configure Drupal for SEO (search engine optimization).
- kristen's blog
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- 140922 reads
Drupal Google Analytics Setup
I just set up Google Analytics on Drupal for and some other sites I'm working on. I have used awstats in the past but not Google Analytics but everyone was raving about it, so now I can see what's the buzz.
First, I signed up with Google Analytics which is (of course) free. Also, you can set up several websites in your account as well as share accounts and create multiple accounts. Very handy.
- kristen's blog
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- 62155 reads
Basic SEO Top 10
I updated this website so I can explain some basic SEO (search engine optimization) techniques, particularly how you setup Drupal SEO. There are lots of websites that explain SEO, so I won't go into too much detail here... simply the very basics. Once I get into configuring Drupal for search engine optimization, more details will be filled in.
- kristen's blog
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- 165782 reads
Fixing a Stale, Duplicate Content Problem Website
I couldn't remember when I grabbed my domain, so I just did a "whois" search at and found that it was in 1999... boy, I feel old.
When I first got the domain, I simply parked my resume on the home page and that was that. Except for occasional minor resume changes, it wasn't until a few years ago that the site changed in any significant way. I switched my hosting provider to GoDaddy since it was cheaper and better than my previous provider.
- kristen's blog
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- 10655 reads
GoDaddy Drupal 6 Setup
I use GoDaddy for my hosting provider and they have a simple way for installing Drupal 6 for the web hosting account. Click a button and choose some usernames/passwords for the mysql and Drupal admin accounts and it will do the install for you. Adding third-party modules requires ftp'ing to your GoDaddy account and putting them in the correct location which is more cumbersome than if you have a shell account.
- kristen's blog
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- 18048 reads
This is a featured content block that has been configured to show blog nodes with terms SEO or Drupal SEO by the author kristen. It shows random list of 20 results in the block and 30 results on the more page.
- Drupal SEO Modules
- Drupal Pathauto Module
- Basic SEO Top 10
- Free Google Keyword Research Tool
- BADCamp Drupal SEO Presentation 2009
- 503 HTTP Status Code when Site Down
- Drupal Nofollow Link Sculpting
- Drupal Pathauto URL Aliases Settings
- Fix Duplicate Content with Global Redirect Module
- Drupal Node Teaser SEO
- Drupal Has Multiple h1 Tags
- Drupal SEO Reviews
- Make Drupal SEO Friendly
- HTML Validation: Free HTML Validator Tools
- Drupal Meta Tags (nodewords) Module for SEO
- Kristen
- Free SEO Tools