Look who's talking about Drupal 9
I was researching Drupal 9 content and decided to collect some data. I gathered information related to the authors and the organizations whose content showed up in the top 100 Google results for "Drupal 9" (as of June 12, 2020). Check out the infographic with the data in a pretty format or skip to the plain text.
This is the first infographic I've created. I used Piktochart based on a Twitter recommendation from @akmalfikri. I liked the tool pretty well but was hoping for more mapping options based on region rather than country. If you have a favorite infographic tool, let me know.
Drupal 9 Authors
For the content that had authors listed, I looked at the type of content they contributed, their job titles, and for their drupal.org profiles, if any. If they had a drupal.org profile, I checked if they work on any contributed projects, how long they've been on drupal.org, how many issue credits they have, and how many core issue credits they have. I also grabbed their location, and if they are a Drupal Association member and contributed to the #DrupalCares campaign.
Author Content Types
For content with authors listed, I looked at the type of content they contributed which was lumped into the categories: Blog Post, Video, Code, or Other. The Code category is for Github code that was in the search results. The Other category includes documentation and training material.
- Blog Post: 90%
- Video: 5%
- Code: 2.5%
- Other: 2.5%
Author Job Role Types
I grouped the job roles into categories: Developer, Executive, Marketer, Writer, and Other. The Executive category includes Founders / Co-Founders, C-Levels, VPs, and Directors. The Writer bucket includes journalists and media outlet content writers as well as in-house writers for larger organizations. The Other bucket includes product managers, project managers, and people without roles listed.
Some people had multiple roles but I picked one. For example, if someone was a CTO & Architect, I used Executive even though they might be doing development.
- Developer: 31%
- Executive: 30%
- Marketer: 23%
- Writer: 8%
- Other: 8%
Author Locations
For content with authors listed and drupal.org profiles, I looked their locations which were grouped: USA, Europe, UK, India, Australia, or Other. The Other category includes Canada and profiles that did not have a location listed.
- USA: 60%
- Europe: 14%
- UK: 10%
- India: 7%
- Australia: 5%
- Other: 5%
Author Profile Data
Here's profile information from the 67% of authors who had drupal.org profiles:
- Have contributed projects listed: 71%
- Average years on drupal.org: 10.2
—max was 19.2 for Dries - Average issue credits (for past year): 61.3
—max was 575 for catch - Average core issue credits (for past year): 22.1
—max was 538 which was also for catch - Donated to #DrupalCares campaign: 50%
- Drupal Association member: 60%
Drupal 9 Organizations
For the organizations that published the content (other than drupal.org), I looked at the type of content they contributed, type of organization, and for their organization drupal.org profiles, if any. In some cases, the organization had a personal drupal.org profile rather than a organization profile so those were ignored. If they had an organization drupal.org profile, I checked if they work on any contributed projects, how many people they have on drupal.org, their location, how many issue credits they have, and how many core issue credits they have. I also looked at if they are a Drupal Association member, supporting sponsor or premium/signature sponsor, and if they contributed to the #DrupalCares campaign.
Organization Content Types
I looked at the type of content that was contributed which was lumped into the categories: Blog Post, Video, Landing Page, or Other. The Landing Page category includes topic-specific landing pages as well as registration pages for webinars, training, and guides. The Other category includes documentation and training material.
- Blog Post: 73%
- Landing Page: 8%
- Video: 6%
- Other: 13%
Organization Types
I grouped the organizations into categories: Consulting, Hosting, Media, Themes, and Other. The Consulting category includes agencies, support companies, and specialty consulting though the bulk was traditional digital agencies. The Themes category is for sites that sell themes (many of these are for WordPress). The Other bucket includes training, specialized software, and technical libraries.
- Consulting: 73%
- Media: 6%
- Hosting: 5%
- Themes: 5%
- Other: 11%
Organization Headquarter Locations
For content with organization drupal.org profiles, I looked their locations which were grouped: USA, Europe, UK, India, Canada, or Other. The Other category includes Australia, Ukraine, and profiles that did not have a location listed.
- USA: 51%
- Europe: 13%
- India: 11%
- UK: 8%
- Canada: 8%
- Other: 9%
Organization Profile Data
Here's profile information from the 82% of sites who had organization drupal.org profiles:
- Have contributed projects listed: 90%
- Average number of people on drupal.org: 52.7
—max is 693 for Acquia - Average issue credits (for past 3 months): 90.4
—max is 683 for Specbee - Average core issue credits (for past 3 months): 19.5
—max is 285 which was also for Acquia - Donated to #DrupalCares campaign: 44%
- Drupal Association organization member: 16%
- Drupal Association supporting partner sponsor: 28%
- Drupal Association premium or signature partner sponsor: 25%
Organization Anti-Racism Statements
My last blog post discussed Drupal for Justice. While reviewing the top 100 "Drupal 9" search results, I checked all the organizations for any recent blog posts on Black Lives Matter, racism, and social justice. I found a few companies with related statements that are listed below in chronological order. If you know a Drupal organization who has taken a stand on this pressing issue, let me know and I'll add them to my blog post.
- Four Kitchens: The Change We Want to See in the World | June 1, 2020
- Forum One: Forum One Commitment to Standing Against Racism | June 3, 2020
- Chapter Three: We Stand Together | June 5, 2020
- Lullabot: Black Lives Matter - A Public Statement | June 5, 2020
- Kanopi: Black Lives Matter | June 10, 2020
- Tag1 Consulting: Pausing for a moment to hold space for every Black person... | June 10, 2020
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- kristen's blog
- 11073 reads
This is a featured content block that has been configured to show blog nodes with terms SEO or Drupal SEO by the author kristen. It shows random list of 20 results in the block and 30 results on the more page.
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- 503 HTTP Status Code when Site Down
- Drupal Pathauto URL Aliases Settings
- HTML Validation: Free HTML Validator Tools
- Make Drupal SEO Friendly
- Free SEO Tools
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